Tetris Effect says it's time to party like it's 1989 (or 1984)!
Enhance your game with two secret levels we're officially acknowledging for the first time.
Happy World Tetris Day, everyone!
What better way to celebrate the birth of one of the greatest games of all time than with a little Tetris Effect or Tetris Effect: Connected? If you plan to partake today we’ve got a special treat we’re talking about publicly for the first time: one semi-secret and another super-secret unlockable level, hidden inside every copy of Tetris Effect!
Secret Level: 1989
The first level the internet found pretty quickly: 1989. There are two ways that you can experience this nostalgic Nintendo Game Boy™ inspired "Effect Modes" level for yourself: The first is by participating in the Weekend Ritual; if and when the community goal is met, 1989 level will be available to all participants for the remainder of the 24-hour Ritual time period. (So, for example, if the goal is met in 16 hours, everyone will have the level unlocked for the remaining 8 hours.)
But if you’re saying to yourself, “I wanna play with this all the time!” -- the second unlock method is permanent, but takes much more commitment: you need to raise your player level to 50!

Super-Secret Level: 1984
The second secret level has been found, but is still not widely known about: 1984, our tribute to the original version of Tetris for the Electronika 60, the old Soviet PC Alexey Pajinov first created the game on!
Accessing it on consoles requires the use of a USB keyboard (PS4/Xbox/Oculus), chat pad (Xbox), or some way to enter text that is not reliant on an OS-level pop-up (gotta have the hardware for it—this is not for the feint of heart!).
First, you must enter a code with your controller at the title screen (prior to pressing start). If you’re using a Dual Shock 4 or PlayStation-compatible control pad, press (directional pad) Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, O, X. If you’re on Xbox, using Oculus controllers or have an Xbox-style controller, enter in (directional pad) Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.
If successful, you should see a screen like this:

Enter in 06061984 -- the date of the birth of Tetris -- with your keyboard as mentioned above, and press enter. You’ll get a message that “1984” has been unlocked, available to use in any of the many "Effect Modes" (and once you unlock this, it remains unlocked). You might even hear a familiar voice talking! What’s he saying, exactly…? Let’s save some mysteries for another day!

Happy World Tetris Day! Enjoy!
Special thanks to Enhance for providing these details. Be sure to follow Enhance on Instagram and Twitter!